Action Required for Small and Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators in e-Manifest

Beginning January 22, 2025, large and small quantity generators are required to register and maintain an account as an e-Manifest user in RCRAInfo with Site Manager or e-Manifest Certifier permissions to meet the regulatory changes of the final Third Rule, published by the EPA earlier this year. Activities to be conducted through RCRAInfo include:

  • Using e-Manifest to access final signed manifests from receiving facilities;
  • Submitting post-receipt data corrections requested by the regulator; and 
  • Submitting Exception Reports electronically beginning December 1, 2025.

Registering as an industry user can be done here. For assistance with registration, contact Kat Olson at 775-834-3674 or Additionally, NDEP’s webpage on the RCRAInfo Software contains step by step instructions for registration and provides details on the Site Manager permissions.