
Requirements Change for The Use Of Emergency Engines

On August 10th the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule which removes the provision for using emergency engines for demand response. Previously, a Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) could operate for up to 100 hours for non-emergency situations and these 100 hours could be used for emergency demand response. An emergency demand response is where the facility is compensated by their power utility to operate during periods where there is a grid emergency that could lead to …

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P2 West: EPA Region 9 & 10 Pollution Prevention Roundtable

October 18 – 20, 2022 Consider attending this annual P2 conference of technical assistance providers, green business programs, sustainability experts, and zero waste and pretreatment professionals working with businesses and industry to reduce pollution. This year’s event will feature keynote speaker Jennie Romer, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pollution Prevention within the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, US EPA. CLICK HERE to learn more and register.

2022 EPA Toxic Release Inventory Virtual Conference

This is a free event offered by EPA over two days, September 20th and 21st from 1:00 – 5:00 pm EDT each da. REGISTRATION LINK Draft Agenda Topics Include: Assessing and prioritizing opportunities for advancing pollution prevention opportunities TRI in action: innovative data uses by companies, state governments, and students Using the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) modeling results to explore communities with potential environmental justice concerns The TRI Toxics Tracker and other resources for communities Featuring speakers from: New York State Pollution …

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Opportunity To Join BEP!

BEP is recruiting for a Hazardous Waste & Pollution Prevention Specialist. The Hazardous Waste & Pollution Prevention Specialist provides hazardous waste regulatory compliance and multi-media pollution prevention technical assistance to small businesses, rural landfill operators and small communities, and school districts throughout Nevada. The position is located in the Business Environmental Program (BEP), Nevada Small Business Development Center (Nevada SBDC) within the College of Business, at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).  CLICK HERE to view the Job Posting.

NDEP Bureau of Air Pollution Control to Start Issuing Field Notice of Alleged Violations (NOAVs)

Comments on draft Field NOAVS form due by August 2, 2022 The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection – Bureau of Air Pollution Control (BAPC) intends to begin issuing Notice of Alleged Violations (NOAVs) in the field known as Field NOAVs. Issuance of Field NOAVs is being proposed to reduce the time it takes to resolve compliance issues. The BAPC may issue the Field NOAVs to Class II sources and for minor violations including fugitive dust, lack of recordkeeping, odors, and insufficient …

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EPA Launches New Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Webpage Highlighting Environmental Performance Standards

A new webpage from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program focuses on the development of environmental performance standards. The website also includes information on the importance and benefits of using these types of standards. The EPP program helps federal government purchasers utilize private sector standards and ecolabels to identify and procure environmentally preferable products and services. EPP is part of EPA’s Sustainable Marketplace which contains many resources for consumers, federal purchasers, institutional purchasers and manufacturers.

Clark County Offers Workshop on Preparing for a Minor Source Permit Inspection

July 20th, 9:00 – 10:30 am PST, Register by July 18th Clark County’s Department of Environment and Sustainability, Division of Air Quality Small Business Assistance Program is offering a FREE virtual workshop, Preparing for a Minor Source Permit Inspection.  In this workshop they will answer questions such as: ·      What to expect before, during, and after an inspection? ·      How to prepare for an inspection? ·      What records are required? ·      What are the levels of enforcement? ·      Common deficiencies and how to avoid them. The …

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Changes to Permits for Concrete Batch Plant and Nonmetallic Crushing Screening

Virtual Workshop Wednesday, July 27th at 3:00 – 4:00 pm PST The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) will be renewing and making minor changes to the Class II General Stationary Air Quality Operating Permits for Concrete Batch Plants and Nonmetallic Minerals Crushing and Screening. View the documents: Class II General Permit for Concrete Batch Plants Permit Application for Concrete Batch Plants Class II General Permit for Nonmetallic Metals Crushing and Screening Permit Application for Nonmetallic Minerals Crushing and Screening …

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New Compliance Requirements for Dry Cleaners

ATTENTION DRY CLEANERS WITH DRY-TO-DRY MACHINES The final rule for the Dry Cleaning NESHAP/NSPS Technology review is expected to be published this winter and dry cleaners must be in compliance with the final rule 180 days after the publication date. The proposed changes will affect all dry-to-dry machines at existing major and area sources. The current proposed rule will reduce emissions of Perchloroethylene (PCE) from industrial and commercial dry cleaners by requiring all sources subject to the PCE Dry Cleaning NESHAP, …

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Nevada signs MOU to Reduce Emissions from Trucks

Nevada recently became one of 17 states working together to reduce harmful emissions from trucks. Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which ensures that Nevada will work towards the goal of having 100 percent of all new medium and heavy-duty vehicle sales be zero emission vehicles by 2050 and have 30 percent of vehicle sales be zero emission by 2030. Nevada and the 16 other states that signed the MOU make up 40 percent of the …

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