Be Aware! Nevada OSHA Penalties Increase for Workplace Violations

New Nevada OSHA penalty amounts became effective January 17, 2023:

  • For willful violations, where Nevada OSHA demonstrates that an employer knowingly failed to comply with an OSHA standard, or demonstrated a plain indifference for employee safety, the maximum penalty increases from $145,027 to $156,259
  • For repeated violations, maximum penalties will increase from $145,027 to $156,259
  • Penalties for serious violations, where workplace hazards that could cause an injury or illness that would most likely result in death or serious physical harm, the maximum penalty increases from $14,502 to $15,625
  • For each other-than-serious violation, the maximum penalty increases from $14,502 to $15,625
  • In instances where employers were previously cited and failed to correct violations, the maximum penalty increases from $14,502 to $15,625 per day unabated beyond the abatement date
  • For each posting requirement violation, the maximum penalty increases from $14,502 to $15,625

Consider contacting SCATS to learn more about this free on-site consultation program designed to help employers recognize and control potential safety and health hazards at workplaces, improve safety and health programs, and assist in training employees.