BEP Offering Biennial Report Assistance – Virtual Workshop and Help Desk

If you are a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG) and you missed our in-person workshops last month, you can now attend virtually! The Nevada Business Environmental Program is taking the workshop online on February 10th from 1pm to 2:30 pm. You can register here.  

This free online workshop will walk you through the steps of the RCRAInfo software. We will fill out an example of the Generation and Management Form and the Site ID form live. A representative from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will also join us to help answer questions about the Biennial Report submittal process.  

When & Where 

Thursday, February 10 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm on the UNR BEP Zoom platform. REGISTER HERE

Meeting Attendance Tips 

Be prepared to take notes. Have your questions ready if you need specific assistance with the Biennial Reporting module. If you plan to work on your report concurrently as we go through it online, you may want to have access to hazardous waste manifest forms, previously submitted biennial reports, records of quantities of hazardous waste generated or accumulated on-site, results of laboratory analyses of wastes generated, contracts with any off-site facilities managing your wastes, and any permits for on-site hazardous waste management systems. For more information about the report, visit NDEP’s Biennial Report page or visit EPA’s information page for Hazardous Waste Generators here.  

Visit our Help Desk for Assistance – Wednesdays in February from 11 am – 1 pm 

Register and attend our virtual Biennial report Help Desk on Wednesdays in February from 11 am to 1pm if you have any questions or need assistance. To register, or for more information visit our Training and Events page at, contact us at (800) 882-3233, or email