
EPA Tools & Resources Webinar

R2R2R as an Approach to Connect Programs, Research, and Societal Needs – Wednesday, December 14, 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET Tune in to this free webinar if you are interested in learning about Remediation to Restoration to Revitalization (R2R2R), a conceptual model that acts as an integrative framework to harmonize the social and biophysical dimensions of environmental actions and demonstrate how to better connect environmental outcomes with societal values. The webinar will present several frameworks and examples to demonstrate how …

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P2 West: EPA Region 9 & 10 Pollution Prevention Roundtable

October 18 – 20, 2022 Consider attending this annual P2 conference of technical assistance providers, green business programs, sustainability experts, and zero waste and pretreatment professionals working with businesses and industry to reduce pollution. This year’s event will feature keynote speaker Jennie Romer, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pollution Prevention within the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, US EPA. CLICK HERE to learn more and register.

2022 EPA Toxic Release Inventory Virtual Conference

This is a free event offered by EPA over two days, September 20th and 21st from 1:00 – 5:00 pm EDT each da. REGISTRATION LINK Draft Agenda Topics Include: Assessing and prioritizing opportunities for advancing pollution prevention opportunities TRI in action: innovative data uses by companies, state governments, and students Using the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) modeling results to explore communities with potential environmental justice concerns The TRI Toxics Tracker and other resources for communities Featuring speakers from: New York State Pollution …

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EPA Launches New Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Webpage Highlighting Environmental Performance Standards

A new webpage from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program focuses on the development of environmental performance standards. The website also includes information on the importance and benefits of using these types of standards. The EPP program helps federal government purchasers utilize private sector standards and ecolabels to identify and procure environmentally preferable products and services. EPP is part of EPA’s Sustainable Marketplace which contains many resources for consumers, federal purchasers, institutional purchasers and manufacturers.

New Sustainable Nation Podcast

In the latest Sustainable Nation podcast, host Josh Prigge speaks with Emma Stewart, Sustainability Officer at Netflix to discuss: Netflix’s Net Zero + Nature strategy Balancing reduction of emissions with offsets Netflix’s 5 step screening process for carbon credits Netflix’s greatest sources of emissions and strategies to address them Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Emma Stewart, Ph.D., is Netflix’s first Sustainability Officer, where together with teams from across the company, she seeks to bring Netflix’s carbon footprint to net zero, raise …

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2022 School Bus Rebates

Applications will be accepted until August 19, 2022  The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021 authorized EPA to offer rebates to replace existing school buses with clean and zero-emission (ZE) models. If you manage a school bus fleet, take note, because the 2022 CSB program guidance and application process differ from prior EPA school bus rebate programs.  The 2022 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebates process includes account registration, application submission, review and selection by EPA, purchase order submission and request for payment, payment receipt, …

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Partners for a Sustainable Nevada

Get Involved – Businesses, Schools, Non-Profits and Others are Welcome to Participate Have you heard about the Partners for a Sustainable Nevada or the PSN? This is a relatively new initiative started by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection’s (NDEP) Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management and driven by interested stakeholders from around the state. The Partners for a Sustainable Nevada brings together private industry, non-government organizations (NGOs) and governmental agencies to foster communication and collaboration, promote sustainability programs across the state, and guide stakeholders towards a …

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Prepare Your Business for Winter

Did you know that NV Energy offers many services to help businesses save money, including free smart thermostats? Check out their business energy services and resources for small businesses. To take advantage of these programs, download a copy of BEP’s Action Workbook for Small Businesses to get started identifying some energy-saving opportunities for your business. The Action Workbook provides a start to finish approach for taking advantage of energy efficiency savings. There are also helpful guides for project financing and working with contractors and some specific tips for restaurants, auto …

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EPA Introduces New P2 Resource Search Tool

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a new rule that will reduce methane and other air pollutants from new and existing sources in the oil and natural gas industry. One method for accomplishing this would include a monitoring program to require companies to find and fix leaks at new and existing site and compressor stations.  The EPA will be hosting a virtual training for small businesses, tribal communities, and environmental justice communities on November 16th –  18th from 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, …

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