Learn How to Reduce Indoor Fire Smoke at Your Business

EPA hosting free webinar Wednesday, May 18th at 3pm EST

With summer approaching, temperatures rising, and wildfires already starting, this is a good time to attend a webinar on wildland fire smoke and learn how to reduce indoor fire smoke during these events.Each year many communities are exposed to wildfire smoke. Often the advice given is to stay inside. However, smoke can penetrate indoors and cause less than ideal conditions.
On May 18th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a Tools and Resources Webinar on How to Prepare for Wildfire Smoke. During this webinar they will highlight the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Planning Framework for Protecting Commercial Building Occupants from Smoke During Wildfires. The webinar will cover topics such as how to develop a smoke readiness plan, upgrading and maintaining HVAC systems to deal with wildfire smoke, supplemental filtration, and how to limit smoke intrusion. They will also share examples from field studies in Missoula, MT and the Hoopa Valley Tribe in Hoopa, CA to better understand indoor air quality in public and commercial buildings under typical ambient conditions and when smoke events occur.
To register for this webinar, click here.
To view the ASHRA Planning Framework for Protecting Commercial Building Occupants, click here.