NDEP Is Seeking Your Input on Revisions to Regulations

NOTE: Input Must Be Received by Friday, March 31, 2023

As required by Governor Lombardo’s Executive Order 2023-003, the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is undertaking a comprehensive review of the regulations subject to its enforcement. As required, NDEP will be providing a report to the Governor’s office by May 1, 2023 “detailing how those regulations can be streamlined, clarified, or otherwise improved to ensure they provide for the general welfare of the State without unnecessarily inhibiting economic growth.” The report will provide recommendations for amendments and “a list of not less than ten (10) regulations recommended for removal, ranking them in descending order of priority”. Regulations administered by NDEP also include those that fall under the oversight or implementation of the State Environmental Commission, Board for Financing Water Projects, and Board to Review (Petroleum Fund) Claims. 

Prior to submitting the report to the Governor’s Office, EO 2023-003 requires NDEP to hold a public hearing to vet NDEP’s recommended changes, solicit input as to the merits of NDEP’s recommended changes, and identify other regulatory changes stakeholders feel are worthy of consideration. EO 2023-003 also requires NDEP to reflect stakeholder input in the summary of findings and recommendation included in the report. 

CLICK HERE to view the regulations that NDEP will be reviewing. More information on the affected regulations and how you can provide input can be found here: https://ndep.nv.gov/reg-review

Suggestions for revisions to regulations can be submitted to this email address: NDEPRegReview23@ndep.nv.gov. If you choose to provide input, please identify the regulation(s) for consideration, by NAC number if possible. 

All input must be received no later than Friday, March 31, 2023.