Nevada BEP Hosts 2023 National Small Business Conference

The Nevada Business Environmental Program (BEP) hosted more than 60 participants from across the country in Stateline, NV for the first in-person National Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) annual training since 2019 on March 20-23. The conference was supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NV Energy, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno, among others.

The conference opened with an update from the EPA Regional Administrator Martha Guzman and NDEP Deputy Administrator Jeffrey Kinder as well as welcoming remarks from BEP Director Chris Lynch, and Gregory Mosier, the dean of the College of Business at UNR. Marie Steele, vice president of Integrated Energy Services for NV Energy, highlighted efforts by NV Energy to engage with historically underserved communities. Derek Kauneckis with the Desert Research Institute talked about the Buen Aire Para Todos Project, which aims to promote air quality monitoring in East Las Vegas.