
Are You Prepared for the Upcoming Construction Season?

BEP is Available to Help! The 2025 spring and summer seasons are right around the corner!  Do you plan on doing any new construction that may create temporary sources of air emissions, such as concrete batch plants, crushing and screening plants, or surface area disturbances? If so, BEP is here to help with any approvals or permits required by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Division (NDEP) Bureau of Air Pollution Control (BAPC).  Are you starting a new business this …

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BEP Contact Info Update

We Have New Phone Numbers Christopher Lynch: 775-420-6432 Kat Olson: 775-420-7371 Griffin Hadlock: 775-420-9562 We encourage you to use our Toll-Free Hotline (same number) to contact us with your questions. 800-882-3233

Reminder: e-Manifest Requirements for Small and Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators

Large and small quantity generators are required to register and maintain an account as an e-Manifest user in RCRAInfo with Site Manager or e-Manifest Certifier permissions to meet the regulatory changes of the final Third Rule. Activities to be conducted through RCRAInfo include: Registering as an industry user can be done here.  For assistance with registration, contact Kat Olson at 775-834-3674 or  Additionally, NDEP’s webpage on the RCRAInfo Software contains step by step instructions for registration and provides details on the Site Manager permissions.

Small Business Incentives from NV Energy’s Business Energy Services (BES) Program 

New for 2025! Are you looking to reduce energy consumption and costs for your small business in Nevada? NV Energy’s Business Energy Services program is offering up to 50% higher rebates in 2025 for small business customers. Non-residential NV Energy customers with annual electricity usage below 400,000 kWh and who have been in operation for a minimum of twelve months are eligible. Rebates are offered for energy-efficient equipment such as interior and exterior lighting, kitchen equipment, and air-cooled HVAC units. Small …

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New US EPA Webpage on Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, contain both nicotine and lithium batteries, making them a hazardous waste when disposed of. The EPA posted a new webpage to help schools and other agencies who may not typically generate hazardous waste dispose of e-cigarettes safely and according to regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The webpage provides step-by-step instructions for safely storing e-cigarettes, determining your generator status, and identifying disposal options. Check out the new webpage here, and contact BEP with your …

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Virtual Working Session: Best Practices and Labeling Large-Format Batteries

The US EPA is hosting a webinar to gather input on best practices for collecting large-format batteries to increase recycling, as well as labeling batteries to improve collection and recycling. Large format batteries are rechargeable batteries over 25 pounds or more than 200 watt-hours and often used in electric, hybrid, and internal combustion engine vehicles; other motive equipment; and stationary energy storage systems. Register at the link below:

Lee M. Zeldin Sworn in as 17th EPA Administrator

On January 29, 2025, Lee Zeldin was sworn in as the 17th Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Administrator Zeldin will work closely with the dedicated career officials at the agency to fulfill the agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment.  Read the press release.

US EPA issues final rule on banning Trichloroethylene (TCE)

In December 2024, the US EPA issued a final rule regulating TCE. The rule bans the manufacture (including import), processing, and distribution in commerce of TCE for all uses, with longer compliance timeframes and stringent worker protections for some processing and industrial and commercial uses until the prohibitions come into effect. The EPA will prohibit most TCE uses, including manufacturing and commercial processing, within one year, protecting consumers and workers. Limited industrial uses will be phased out over longer timeframes …

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US EPA signs a final rule on banning perchloroethylene (PCE)

Signed on December 20th, 2024, the final rule addresses the technology review of the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities (referred to as the PCE Dry Cleaning NESHAP). The PCE Dry Cleaning NESHAP was finalized in 1993 and applies to major and area sources of dry cleaners that use the chemical perchloroethylene (PCE) in the U.S.   A recently finalized action issued by EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) prohibits the …

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