Hazardous Waste

NDEP Is Seeking Your Input on Revisions to Regulations

NOTE: Input Must Be Received by Friday, March 31, 2023 As required by Governor Lombardo’s Executive Order 2023-003, the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is undertaking a comprehensive review of the regulations subject to its enforcement. As required, NDEP will be providing a report to the Governor’s office by May 1, 2023 “detailing how those regulations can be streamlined, clarified, or otherwise improved to ensure they provide for the general welfare of the State without unnecessarily inhibiting economic growth.” The report will provide recommendations for …

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Registration OPEN for BEP Hazardous Waste 101 Training

BEP will be hosting two Hazardous Waste 101 courses this January in Reno and Las Vegas.  In this free training you and your team will learn proper management of hazardous waste, RCRA manifest requirements, waste identification and labeling requirements, record-keeping and reporting requirements, and training requirements. Throughout the training, BEP will provide tips for cost-saving approaches and resources to help you manage and minimize hazardous waste streams.  Download the flyer or visit our training webpage for more information. Register Now to Reserve Your Seat at the …

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EPA Adds 12 Chemicals to TRI List

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. Facilities in different industry sectors must report annually how much of each chemical is released to the environment and/or managed through recycling, energy recovery and treatment. The data are due by July 1 and cover waste management activities that occurred during the previous calendar year. EPA makes these data publicly available. The …

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US EPA TSCA Fees Rule Revisions Webinar & Public Comment

December 6th, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST On December 6, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will provide updates on proposed revisions to the 2018 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Fees Rule. The webinar will also give the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed changes. Read a summary of the proposed revisions. CLICK HERE to register for the free webinar. If you would like to provide oral comments during …

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2022 EPA Toxic Release Inventory Virtual Conference

This is a free event offered by EPA over two days, September 20th and 21st from 1:00 – 5:00 pm EDT each da. REGISTRATION LINK Draft Agenda Topics Include: Assessing and prioritizing opportunities for advancing pollution prevention opportunities TRI in action: innovative data uses by companies, state governments, and students Using the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) modeling results to explore communities with potential environmental justice concerns The TRI Toxics Tracker and other resources for communities Featuring speakers from: New York State Pollution …

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Partners for a Sustainable Nevada

Get Involved – Businesses, Schools, Non-Profits and Others are Welcome to Participate Have you heard about the Partners for a Sustainable Nevada or the PSN? This is a relatively new initiative started by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection’s (NDEP) Bureau of Sustainable Materials Management and driven by interested stakeholders from around the state. The Partners for a Sustainable Nevada brings together private industry, non-government organizations (NGOs) and governmental agencies to foster communication and collaboration, promote sustainability programs across the state, and guide stakeholders towards a …

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Spring Cleaning at Your Facility?

CONSIDER A PLANNED EPISODIC GENERATION EVENT FOR SMALL AND VERY SMALL QUANTITY GENERATORS Are you planning a spring cleaning at your facility that could involve disposing of hazardous materials? If so, you should consider taking advantage of a new provision in Nevada which allows an annual planned episodic hazardous waste generation event to clean up and dispose of old chemicals, tank residues, and outdated lab chemicals without changing your generator status.An important rule to follow for a planned episodic generation …

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BEP Offering Biennial Report Assistance – Virtual Workshop and Help Desk

If you are a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG) and you missed our in-person workshops last month, you can now attend virtually! The Nevada Business Environmental Program is taking the workshop online on February 10th from 1pm to 2:30 pm. You can register here.   This free online workshop will walk you through the steps of the RCRAInfo software. We will fill out an example of the Generation and Management Form and the Site ID form live. A representative from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will also …

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Biennial Reporting Workshops -January 2022

Biennial Reports for Large Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste are due March 1, 2022!   If you are a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG), get started on your biennial report with the help of the Nevada Business Environmental Program by attending one of our upcoming biennial reporting workshops.   The free workshops will walk you through the steps of the RCRAInfo software and allow users to begin the reporting process with our expert team in the room to answer your questions as they come up. The workshops will be conducted in …

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