Hazardous Waste

EPA Announces New TSCA Fees

In accordance with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to adjust the TSCA fee requirements every three years. The new fees will go info effect on January 1, 2022.TSCA addresses the production, importation, use, and disposal of specific chemicals including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos, radon and lead-based paint.To learn more about how the new fees were determined and to review the new TSCA fee schedule, click here.

Attention Large Quantity Generators: Biennial Reports Due March 1, 2022

Is your facility a Large Quantity Generator (LQG)? A LQG facility generates at least 2,200 lbs of non-acute hazardous waste, or more than 2.2 lbs of acute hazardous waste in a month. If this status applies to your facility, then a Biennial Hazardous Waste Report must be filed with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection by March 1, 2022. Who must file a Biennial Hazardous Waste Report? Any facility that generated at the LQG levels for at least one month in 2021 or is permitted …

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Episodic Events in Nevada

Information Now Available on BEP’s Website What happens when a very small quantity generator (VSQG) or small quantity generator (SQG) goes over the limit for their generator status and generates more hazardous waste for just a month due to something like a planned annual clean-out or cleaning up an accidental spill? Does the business move up in generator status and need to follow all the rules that apply to the higher generator category? Not necessarily! The State of Nevada adopted the Subpart L – …

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Trend Analysis of Hazardous Waste Generation in Nevada

Large quantity generators (LQGs) of hazardous waste are required every other year to report to the State of Nevada and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on their generation activities. US EPA aggregates this information and allows website users to view trends of the data in several different ways. By looking at all Nevada LQGs included in the National Biennial Report (see above chart), we can see that hazardous waste generation by LQGs has fluctuated quite a bit between reporting periods but the overall trend …

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Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification Due September 1, 2021

Is your facility a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of hazardous waste? If so, you must re-notify the state of your status as a SQG by September 1st of this year. To re-notify, businesses must submit the EPA Site Identification form known as Form 8700-12. This form can be submitted online into EPA’s information system at the RCRA Info website. If you do not have an account in the system, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection has step by step instructions to help you set it up. …

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New BEP Fact Sheet Available

Large Quantity Generators: Contingency Plan Quick Reference Guide When the State of Nevada updated its hazardous waste regulatory program in August 2020, many provisions from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s 2016 Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule were adopted. While numerous provisions in that rule provide greater flexibility for hazardous waste generators, there are a few new provisions that are more stringent and require action on the part of generators. One such new provision is the requirement for the large quantity …

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US EPA Launches e-Manifest Newsletter

For those who generate, transport, or receive hazardous wastes regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the US EPA has launched a quarterly newsletter focused on the e-Manifest system. Intended to help the EPA meet its goal to provide “robust and engaging communication with stakeholders”, the newsletter covers updates, announces reports on advisory board meetings that are open to the public, and links for more information including upcoming webinars. The first issue, Winter 2021, includes articles about the new “Quick …

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New Option in Nevada: Waiver with Written Approval on 50 feet Boundary for Ignitable and Reactive Waste Accumulations

With the adoption of updated regulations, the State of Nevada is now allowing Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) to store hazardous waste containers in their 90-day accumulation area within 50 feet of the property line IF a written approval is obtained from the local fire code authority. You must retain this approval for the entire time the waste is stored closer to 50 feet from the property line. CLICK HERE to review the details of the new option. Have questions on how this could apply at …

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Hazardous Waste Guide for Small Businesses

U.S. EPA is excited to announce the availability of an updated version of the targeted small business guide: “Managing Hazardous Waste: A Guide for Small Businesses.” This handbook provides an overview of the federal hazardous waste regulations to give small business owners and operators a basic understanding of their hazardous waste management responsibilities. It answers questions like “Do hazardous waste regulations apply to me?” “How do I know which generator category I am?” and “What kinds of requirements do I …

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EPA Bans Consumer Sales of Methylene Chloride Paint Removers

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule to prohibit the manufacture (including import), processing and distribution of methylene chloride in all paint removers for consumer use. EPA has taken this action because of the acute fatalities that have resulted from exposure to the chemical. After analyzing the health impacts and listening to affected families, EPA is taking action to stop the use of this chemical in paint removers intended for consumers. EPA’s commitment to ensure that chemicals in …

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