Regulatory Updates

Proposed Phase Down of Methylene Chloride

Methylene chloride is widely used in many industries for paint removing, degreasing, cleaning, manufacturing, and more. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a rapid phase-down for its use.  The proposed rule would: Prohibit manufacturing, processing and distribution of methylene chloride for all consumer uses Prohibit most industrial and commercial uses of methylene chloride Create strict workplace protections to ensure that for the remaining uses, workers will not be harmed by methylene chloride use. Require manufacturers (including importers), processors, and distributors to notify …

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Take Advantage of BEP’s New Hazardous Waste Management Tools

Weekly Inspection Tools for SQGs and LQGs of Hazardous Waste State and Federal law require small and large quantity hazardous waste generators to inspect their central accumulation areas once per week. BEP’s new comprehensive Weekly Inspection Tools for SQGs and LQGs will help keep your facility in compliance. The tool can be used digitally as a fillable PDF. Have questions on the requirements for your weekly inspections? Contact us for free, confidential assistance. SQG Weekly Inspection Tool LQG Weekly Inspection …

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EPA Proposes Reforms to New Chemical Review Process Under TSCA

Public Comment Due by July 25th The EPA proposed amendments to regulations that govern the review of new chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  Read the Federal Register notice and submit a public comment by July 25.  These amendments would update the regulations to:  Include the five statutory determinations EPA must make for each new chemical submission; Eliminate eligibility exemptions from the full safety review process for PFAS and other persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals; and Make the …

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NEW Hazardous Waste Determination Tool

Identifying whether your waste is hazardous or not can be tricky. BEP’s new Hazardous Waste Determination Tool takes you step by step through the process of evaluating your waste, connects you to relevant regulations, and keeps recordkeeping organized and thorough. Need help with determining your waste? Check out BEP’s Hazardous Waste Determination Factsheet and contact us for free, confidential assistance.

New Requirements for Miscellaneous Coating Manufacturing Operations

The final rule for miscellaneous coating manufacturing, effective February 22, 2023, establishes emission limits and work practice requirements for new and existing operations, including process vessels, storage tanks, wastewater, transfer operations, equipment leaks, and heat exchange systems.  The rule also implements section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) by requiring all major sources to meet hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emission standards reflecting application of the maximum achievable control technology (MACT). The HAPs emitted from miscellaneous coating manufacturing facilities include toluene, xylene, …

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New Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards for Existing Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Plants

This final national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) applies to new and existing lead acid battery manufacturing plants that are area sources. The final rule adopts the numerical emissions limits for grid casting, paste mixing, three process operations, lead oxide manufacturing, lead reclamation, and other lead emitting processes in 40 CFR 60.372 of the new source performance standards (NSPS) for lead acid batteries.  To learn more, download the US EPA Fact Sheet and visit the rule webpage.

Hand-Sanitizer: How to Dispose of your Surplus

To meet the demand during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses manufactured or acquired large quantities of alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is now reaching or is past its expiration date. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is typically an ignitable hazardous waste when discarded (D001), so what options do businesses have when disposing of their surplus? Episodic generation: VSQGs and SQGs can prepare for a planned episodic generation event, allowing them to dispose of their surplus without it contributing toward their generator status. Notify …

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NDEP Is Seeking Your Input on Revisions to Regulations

NOTE: Input Must Be Received by Friday, March 31, 2023 As required by Governor Lombardo’s Executive Order 2023-003, the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) is undertaking a comprehensive review of the regulations subject to its enforcement. As required, NDEP will be providing a report to the Governor’s office by May 1, 2023 “detailing how those regulations can be streamlined, clarified, or otherwise improved to ensure they provide for the general welfare of the State without unnecessarily inhibiting economic growth.” The report will provide recommendations for …

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Attention Meat & Poultry Producers

EPA is Seeking Input from Small Entities on Meat and Poultry Products Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking Revision – Sign Up by February 1st to Participate The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is assembling a Small Business Advocacy Review Panel to gather input from Small Entity Representatives (SERs). This panel will focus on EPA’s development of a rule that proposes to establish new or update existing industrial wastewater pollutant limits that would affect some of the approximately 7,000 meat and poultry products facilities …

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Be Aware! Nevada OSHA Penalties Increase for Workplace Violations

New Nevada OSHA penalty amounts became effective January 17, 2023: For willful violations, where Nevada OSHA demonstrates that an employer knowingly failed to comply with an OSHA standard, or demonstrated a plain indifference for employee safety, the maximum penalty increases from $145,027 to $156,259 For repeated violations, maximum penalties will increase from $145,027 to $156,259 Penalties for serious violations, where workplace hazards that could cause an injury or illness that would most likely result in death or serious physical harm, the maximum penalty …

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