American Lung Association Releases Air Report for 2021

The American Lung Association recently released its State of the Air Report for 2021. This report analyzes data from official air quality monitors across the United States that is collected by the federal, state, local and tribal governments to gather information such as ozone and particulate matter pollution.

According to the American Lung Association, one in every four Americans is living in a location with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution and people of color are over three times more likely to be breathing the most polluted air. Las Vegas-Henderson is ranked 12th on the American Lung Association’s list of 25 cities most polluted by ozone.

The staff at BEP assists business owners and managers with understanding and complying with environmental regulatory requirements, air quality permitting, and exploring cost-effective ways to reduce wastes and emissions. If you would like help evaluating strategies to reduce your environmental impact, contact BEP at (800) 802-3233 or