Attention Dry Cleaners: US EPA Open Forum TOMORROW on Thursday, April 22nd

US EPA Office of Air Quality and Planning Standards just announced last Friday that the agency will be
hosting a roundtable discussion tomorrow, on Thursday, April 22nd, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST, regarding a
new Dry Cleaning air quality regulatory rulemaking. As required by the Clean Air Act, EPA will be performing
an 8-year technology review for the current rule, Dry Cleaning Facilities: National Perchloroethylene Air
Emission Standards
. EPA is under a consent decree to propose a new rule by December 1, 2021.

EPA is looking for feedback from the dry cleaning industry to make sure the existing requirements are
still relevant and match current machine configurations. Among other issues, US EPA is seeking feedback on
the following:

• Industry thoughts on the use of alternative solvents to perchloroethylene in your dry cleaning
operations, and in dry cleaning, in general
• Will perchloroethylene be the predominant solvent used in dry cleaning in the future? If so,
why? If not, why?
• What are the dry cleaning technology expectations for the future? Will technology change? If
so, how?
• How, in general, has the dry cleaning industry changed since the last US EPA air pollution
rule went into effect in 2006?

Registration is required by COB, Wednesday, April 21, 2021 (today).

To register, provide your full name, organization, phone number (the one you will use to call into the webinar),
and email address to Rhonda Wright at After registering, you will receive a
confirmation email containing information on how to join the webinar.