
Energy Efficiency Workshop….Learn how you can save money!

Energy Efficiency 101 For Small and Medium Sized Businesses How much energy, water and money can you save? The Business Environmental Program at the University of Nevada Reno joined forces with the NV Energy Sure Bet Program, Southwest Gas and the Southern Nevada Water Authority to offer Energy Efficiency 101. You won’t want to miss this engaging seminar on strategies for small and medium sized businesses to help control their energy and water consumption to reduce monthly operating expenses. If you own …

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Proposed Rulemaking: Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are jointly proposing a national program that would establish the next phase of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. This “Phase 2 program” would significantly reduce carbon emissions and improve the fuel efficiency of heavy-duty vehicles, helping to address the challenges of global climate change and energy security. Learn more

Put a Lid on it!

Why are closed containers for hazardous waste so important? January 13, 2015 By Ken Trankle One of the most common RCRA violations I run across is the failure to “put a lid on it”.  If you are storing hazardous wastes, the container must be closed at all times unless you’re adding or removing waste from a container.  Mismanaged facilities will often leave drums open, allowing fumes to escape into the area and risking spills.  Other examples of poor hazardous waste …

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Biochar–Black is the new Green

Biochar—Black is the new Green “Carbon farming”—adding a form of charcoal to the mix of soil amendments is currently being tested in laboratories, test plots and field demonstrations across the nation.  The carbon is called “biochar”.  Biochar registers in the 80 percent organic carbon range and can be produced from a wide range of forest and agriculture wastes. Why biochar? There are a wide stream of environmental and economic benefits but, most significantly, biochar increases water and fertilizer use efficiency …

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All About Gas Fireplaces

Posted: November 6, 2014 Source: THIS OLD HOUSE.COM Wood is good, but you can’t beat the ease of a fire that lights with the push of a button. The experts at This Old House explain what it takes to put a gas-fueled hearth in your home There’s only one thing better than a roaring fire on a wintry night: a roaring fire that needs no tending, requires minimal cleanup, and doesn’t leave the rest of the house freezing cold. That’s …

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All About Pellet Stoves

Posted: November 6, 2014 Source: This Old These high-efficiency heaters let you turn down the household thermostat while warming your rooms, providing ambience, and reducing your energy bills: In colder climates, heating accounts for about one-third of a homeowner’s annual utility bill, which is why many are seeking thriftier ways to stay toasty. Freestanding pellet stoves and inserts that fit inside an existing fireplace are an increasingly popular solution. They look like traditional woodstoves but operate more like a …

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