How to save money during COVID-19 with the “3Rs”

As your business reopens, the health of your employees and customers, the economic impacts and the environmental impacts are all more important than ever. Following the new Phase 1 and Phase 2 guidelines and beyond does not mean you have to abandon your environmental sustainability initiatives. Minimizing waste and reducing other environmental impacts can also save you money at a time when watching your bottom line is critical. By continuing to follow the “3 Rs” of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle …

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Nevada Phase Two Reopening

As of May, 28 Nevada entered the second phase of reopening the State. Social distancing guidelines and protective measures are still encouraged. Certain businesses such as bars, fitness centers, movie theaters, and indoor malls are allowed to open but must follow strict rules and regulations. Some of these regulations are below. During Phase two, individuals are encouraged to stay home as much as possible, wear masks in public, and to continue following social distancing protocols. Employees who interact with the …

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ASK THE EXPERTS: Cleaning Nevada Schools during COVID-19 Online Webinar

Nevada Business Environmental Program is hosting an online panelist discussion and forum connecting all Nevada schools. Our purpose is to share best practices, provide information and resources, provide the opportunity to pose questions of experts, and share guidelines and experiences as we move through closure to reopening during COVID-19. Please join us this Thursday, May 14  as we learn from experts in our region on how we ensure our facilities are as safe and healthy as possible for our students, …

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Nevada Industry Excellence COVID-19 Workforce Assistance

April 3, 2020: Nevada Industry Excellence has announced a service to match laid off manufacturing employees with other Nevada manufacturers who are experiencing immediate hiring needs for making needed items such as PPE equipment, masks and ventilators. For manufacturers seeing a spike in activity who need employees now, contact Nevada Industry Excellence so they can connect you with candidates. There is no fee associated with this service. For more information, contact Nevada Industry Excellence’s Workforce Development Specialist Mario Pabon at or (760) 265-1551.

Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

Click here The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain nonprofits and other employers. This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to address these needs, …

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Nevada SBDC Covid-19 Business Resiliency Plan

For full website click here. The Nevada Small Business Development Center (Nevada SBDC) Business Resiliency Toolkit contains a small business resiliency plan developed by the Washington SBDC as well as links to help small business owners plan for any kind of disruption, from natural disasters to infrastructure failures to pandemics. Business Resiliency Plan Nevada Health Response COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Initiative (PDF) Nevada Small Business Resiliency Guide – Keeping the Lights On (PDF) U.S. Small Business Administration Fact Sheet – Economic …

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