
US EPA Announces Plan to Update Toxics Release Inventory to Advance Environmental Justice

On April 29, 2021, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced in a press release that it would be reviewing and updating the Toxics Release Inventory program to advance Environmental Justice, improve transparency, and increase access to environmental information. The comprehensive plan for updating the TRI program includes: Expanding TRI reporting to include certain contact sterilization facilities that use ethylene oxide (EtO) and are not currently required to report this information, Adding TRI reporting requirements for other industry sectors including natural gas processing facilities and TRI-listed chemicals including …

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American Lung Association Releases Air Report for 2021

The American Lung Association recently released its State of the Air Report for 2021. This report analyzes data from official air quality monitors across the United States that is collected by the federal, state, local and tribal governments to gather information such as ozone and particulate matter pollution. According to the American Lung Association, one in every four Americans is living in a location with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution and people of color are over three times more likely to …

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Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification Due September 1, 2021

Is your facility a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of hazardous waste? If so, you must re-notify the state of your status as a SQG by September 1st of this year. To re-notify, businesses must submit the EPA Site Identification form known as Form 8700-12. This form can be submitted online into EPA’s information system at the RCRA Info website. If you do not have an account in the system, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection has step by step instructions to help you set it up. …

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Restaurant Relief Fund Now Open – Applications Due May 24, 2021

Established as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is now accepting applications. RRF will provide restaurants with funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business and no more than $5 million per physical location. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023. CLICK HERE to find out more details about applying for the program. Eligible entities who …

Read MoreRestaurant Relief Fund Now Open – Applications Due May 24, 2021

NEW PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: Sustainable Nation Podcast Now Available Through BEP

The Nevada Business Environmental Program is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Sustainable Nation podcast. In this podcast hosted by Josh Prigge, founder and CEO of Sustridge Sustainability Consulting, global thought leaders are interviewed to get their take on current environmental sustainability issues and to discuss initiatives their organizations are taking to advance sustainability. Listen in for new ideas and advice for your business by checking out the latest podcast, an interview with Ratish Namboothiry. Mr. Namboothiry is the Director of Innovation for Good & Sustainability at Kohler …

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US EPA Approves Copper Surfaces As The First Product with Residual Claims Against Coronavirus

Did you know the US EPA tests materials – such as copper alloy surfaces – to substantiate claims of effectiveness against viruses? Recently, the EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention announced the first amended registration to the Copper Development Association for an emerging viral pathogen claim to be added to the label of Antimicrobial Copper Alloys-Group 1 (EPA Reg No. 82012-1). What does this mean? It means the surface of the copper alloy, made up of at least 95.6 % copper, can …

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New BEP Fact Sheet Available

Large Quantity Generators: Contingency Plan Quick Reference Guide When the State of Nevada updated its hazardous waste regulatory program in August 2020, many provisions from the US Environmental Protection Agency’s 2016 Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule were adopted. While numerous provisions in that rule provide greater flexibility for hazardous waste generators, there are a few new provisions that are more stringent and require action on the part of generators. One such new provision is the requirement for the large quantity …

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Attention Dry Cleaners: US EPA Open Forum TOMORROW on Thursday, April 22nd

US EPA Office of Air Quality and Planning Standards just announced last Friday that the agency will behosting a roundtable discussion tomorrow, on Thursday, April 22nd, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST, regarding anew Dry Cleaning air quality regulatory rulemaking. As required by the Clean Air Act, EPA will be performingan 8-year technology review for the current rule, Dry Cleaning Facilities: National Perchloroethylene AirEmission Standards. EPA is under a consent decree to propose a new rule by December 1, …

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Federal Stimulus Programs for Small Businesses

The American Rescue Act was signed into law last week and includes some extensions to existing stimulus programs as well as the creation of new ones for small businesses. Here are some of the key program changes the US Small Business Administration (SBA) will implement for small businesses: $7.25 billion additional for the Paycheck Protection Program, including to expand eligibility to additional nonprofits and digital news services with money set aside specifically for businesses in low-income communities. Additional funds are allocated for the Shuttered …

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US EPA Launches e-Manifest Newsletter

For those who generate, transport, or receive hazardous wastes regulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the US EPA has launched a quarterly newsletter focused on the e-Manifest system. Intended to help the EPA meet its goal to provide “robust and engaging communication with stakeholders”, the newsletter covers updates, announces reports on advisory board meetings that are open to the public, and links for more information including upcoming webinars. The first issue, Winter 2021, includes articles about the new “Quick …

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