Air Quality Permitting Requirements
Is Your Facility Located in Clark County?
The Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability, Division of Air Quality (DAQ) administers the air pollution control program for Clark County, Nevada under provisions of the Clark County Air Quality Regulations (AQRs). The regulations can be found at:
Clark County, NV – Division of Air Quality – Air Quality Regulations
DAQ issues major and minor stationary source permits (AQRs 12.0-12.5 and 12.11) as well as dust control operating permits (AQR 94).
The minor source permitting thresholds for the regulated pollutants can be found in AQR 12.1.1(e) and the significant thresholds for triggering a controls analysis (RACT) can be found in AQR 12.1.1(k). DAQ issues an authority to operate under the general permit program for most gasoline dispensing facilities and soil and groundwater remediation operations.
The thresholds for requiring a dust control operating permit for construction or temporary commercial activities can be found in AQR 94.4.1(b).
Applications and forms for all permit types can be found here:
Clark County Applications and Forms.
Fees and payment information are available here:
Clark County, NV – Division of Air Quality – Fees and Payments
Need Help?
The Clark County Small Business Assistance Program provides no-cost permitting and compliance assistance for facilities in Clark County. If you’re a small business (100 or fewer employees) and not a major stationary source for air pollutants, you qualify for their services.
Contact them by calling 702-455-1660 or sending an email to .