
2022 EPA Toxic Release Inventory Virtual Conference

This is a free event offered by EPA over two days, September 20th and 21st from 1:00 – 5:00 pm EDT each da. REGISTRATION LINK Draft Agenda Topics Include: Assessing and prioritizing opportunities for advancing pollution prevention opportunities TRI in action: innovative data uses by companies, state governments, and students Using the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) modeling results to explore communities with potential environmental justice concerns The TRI Toxics Tracker and other resources for communities Featuring speakers from: New York State Pollution …

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Clark County Offers Workshop on Preparing for a Minor Source Permit Inspection

July 20th, 9:00 – 10:30 am PST, Register by July 18th Clark County’s Department of Environment and Sustainability, Division of Air Quality Small Business Assistance Program is offering a FREE virtual workshop, Preparing for a Minor Source Permit Inspection.  In this workshop they will answer questions such as: ·      What to expect before, during, and after an inspection? ·      How to prepare for an inspection? ·      What records are required? ·      What are the levels of enforcement? ·      Common deficiencies and how to avoid them. The …

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Changes to Permits for Concrete Batch Plant and Nonmetallic Crushing Screening

Virtual Workshop Wednesday, July 27th at 3:00 – 4:00 pm PST The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) will be renewing and making minor changes to the Class II General Stationary Air Quality Operating Permits for Concrete Batch Plants and Nonmetallic Minerals Crushing and Screening. View the documents: Class II General Permit for Concrete Batch Plants Permit Application for Concrete Batch Plants Class II General Permit for Nonmetallic Metals Crushing and Screening Permit Application for Nonmetallic Minerals Crushing and Screening …

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New Sustainable Nation Podcast

In the latest Sustainable Nation podcast, host Josh Prigge speaks with Emma Stewart, Sustainability Officer at Netflix to discuss: Netflix’s Net Zero + Nature strategy Balancing reduction of emissions with offsets Netflix’s 5 step screening process for carbon credits Netflix’s greatest sources of emissions and strategies to address them Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals Emma Stewart, Ph.D., is Netflix’s first Sustainability Officer, where together with teams from across the company, she seeks to bring Netflix’s carbon footprint to net zero, raise …

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Learn How to Reduce Indoor Fire Smoke at Your Business

EPA hosting free webinar Wednesday, May 18th at 3pm EST With summer approaching, temperatures rising, and wildfires already starting, this is a good time to attend a webinar on wildland fire smoke and learn how to reduce indoor fire smoke during these events.Each year many communities are exposed to wildfire smoke. Often the advice given is to stay inside. However, smoke can penetrate indoors and cause less than ideal conditions.On May 18th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a …

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Updates Planned for Class II General Air Quality Operating Permit for Temporary Construction Sources

NDEP to Host In-Person and Virtual Workshop to Discuss Changes on March 24th at 2:00pm If you are a construction facility (hot mix asphalt, concrete batch plant, or sand/gravel crushing and screening) and have an Air Quality permit with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) or are planning on applying for or renewing your permit, you should be aware of the upcoming updates to the Class II General Air Quality Operating Permit for Temporary Construction Sources. This permit is …

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BEP Offering Biennial Report Assistance – Virtual Workshop and Help Desk

If you are a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG) and you missed our in-person workshops last month, you can now attend virtually! The Nevada Business Environmental Program is taking the workshop online on February 10th from 1pm to 2:30 pm. You can register here.   This free online workshop will walk you through the steps of the RCRAInfo software. We will fill out an example of the Generation and Management Form and the Site ID form live. A representative from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will also …

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Biennial Reporting Workshops -January 2022

Biennial Reports for Large Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste are due March 1, 2022!   If you are a Large Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator (LQG), get started on your biennial report with the help of the Nevada Business Environmental Program by attending one of our upcoming biennial reporting workshops.   The free workshops will walk you through the steps of the RCRAInfo software and allow users to begin the reporting process with our expert team in the room to answer your questions as they come up. The workshops will be conducted in …

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Small Business Saturday – November 27, 2021

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that Saturday, November 27, 2021 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. Founded by American Express in 2010 and officially cosponsored by SBA since 2011, Small Business Saturday has become an important part of small businesses’ busiest shopping season. Visit the Shop Small Resources Hub to access free materials, tools and social media resources.

US EPA Pollution Prevention Week September 20-26

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is celebrating 30 years of pollution prevention (P2) with Pollution Prevention Week, from September 20 – 26, 2021. The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act established the P2 program to help reduce or eliminate waste at the source by modifying production processes. P2 strategies also promote using nontoxic or less toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques, and reusing materials rather than putting them into the waste stream. For help determining how your operation could become more environmentally sustainable by integrating …

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