Sustainable Nation Podcast


Available through a partnership with BEP

Considering incorporating sustainability strategies into your operations? Listen and learn from company leaders who are experts in sustainability as they share their experiences and advice.

Podcasts are hosted by Josh Prigge, founder and CEO of Sustridge Sustainability. Josh is a sustainability consultant, college professor, published author, and public speaker with twelve years of experience managing sustainability programs and initiatives for large organizations.

Latest Podcast:

Todd Brady – Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Community Relations and Sustainable Operations at Intel

Todd Brady is the Chief Sustainability Officer for Intel Corporation, and Vice President of Community Relations & Sustainable Operations. As Chief Sustainability Officer, he leads Intel’s global sustainability initiatives including climate, energy, water, green buildings and circular economy. Currently, Todd’s organization is focused on achieving Intel’s ambitious 2030 sustainability goals and commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Intel’s global operations by 2040.

During his 25+ year career at Intel, Todd has represented the company in numerous public forums and led industry-wide initiatives in national and international committees. He has authored several papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings on a variety of sustainability topics. He was recognized with a lifetime achievement award by the National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) and has been named by Scientific American as one of ten outstanding leaders involved in research, business or policy pursuits that have advanced science and technology and one of the world’s top 20 sustainability leaders by Sustainability Magazine.

Todd Brady Joins Sustainable Nation To Discuss:

  • Advice for approaching leadership about pre-competitive collaboration
  • The challenges and opportunities of AI on sustainability
  • Intel’s progress toward 100% renewable electricity by 2030
  • Advice and recommendations for sustainability professionals

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